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About Us

We are the people who fight each and every day just to get up, we are those who cry out in pain at the very fear of putting or feet on the floor, the ones who society doesn't believe we have anything wrong because they cant see it. 

This site will eventually provide sheets for family members who don't have a clue, for bosses who think your'e just lazy and for friends who just think you've blown them out again. 

We ARE fighters .... we wake up each day thankful to have woken up, we carry on and make the most of it because each of us knows that there is someone out there worse off then we are..... children with deadly cancers.... soldiers being blown apart defending our right to be as free as we are and not live in fear as well as pain.


Fibro fighters.............. we will show them, 


The following paragraph was taken from a Dr visiting another fibro site:


In our city we have a teaching hospital and a fibro clinic that has been around for at least 10 years. Every year or two I check in and see if anything is new.

I went to a lecture from the fibro team this morning and was amazed on how honest they were. They said anytime you go to a medical doctor for fibro they are purely guessing on what drugs to give you since no one has found anything that really works and most have long term complications.

They also said they know people do recover but they don't stick around to share their recovery unless they are trying to sell something.

The head doctor apologized for not having answers and sees that often the medical community make it worse with how they treat it. He also said that they know it is a mind body problem and medical doctors are not trained in this. He also said holistic practitioners can also make it worse or offer false promises so he said to be careful.





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